Saturday, January 31, 2009

Release 7.3 Project Progress

Despite broken ankles and bouts of pneumonia Doug and I finally have the Manage 2000 web functions building under VS2008.  There remains a little tweaking to do on the installations routines.  But at last I feel like I can concentrate on new feature development.

I have started down the development list and finished my first significant web tools enhancement for 7.3, the integration of ECA's and the news feed system.  ECA's provide rich html scripting from all sorts of system events.  News feeds provide standard pluggable integration to Sharepoint and other web platforms.  Putting the two together really extends  the news source capabilities to 'broadcast' all sorts of automated news articles as the ERP systems churns through its machinations. 

Next up is Last Key integration between PWS sessions and web functions.  This will, in all likely hood, be the largest project I undertake for the 7.3 release (not counting the VS2008 ASP.NET 3.5 infrastructure upgrade).

I am still in the early stages of design, but have identified a whole raft of issues that were not obvious to me during my initial rough cut do-ability considerations.  I didn't realize how much of the fun part of working on Manage 2000 are these design conundrums that must be puzzled and teased out.