Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cross Origin Resource Sharing

In release 7.3 we added a REST service endpoint named /MT/JSONServices to provide all sorts of asynchronous services to javascript functions running in browsers. These services can validate items, return TM tables, and in the latest releases even run UniBasic subroutines.

One BIG limitation with RESTful services has been the "Same Origin Policy" which was put in place for legitmate security concerns, but prevents sharing these really nice dynamic services across domains. How nice would it be to use Manage 2000 REST services to validate items in your third-party or self-rolled shopping cart application or CRM application or ...?

The W3C answer to this constraint is known as CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) and has been supported in Chrome and Firefox for many releases, but has just recently gained full support in IE 10+.

You can implement CORS support through IIS custom headers, but I thought it would be nice to have a list of CORS approved sites in WEB.CONSTANTS where it can be more easily maintained by Manage 2000 account.  So Manage 2000 release 8.0 has a new screen in WEB.CONSTANTS for just this purpose and the /MT/JSONServices project has been updated to respond to CORS requests based on this list.

You will find example code on the JSONServicesTester page which you can run from the Development menu in the 8.0 release:

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