Manage 2000 7.3 sp3 mobile features are designed to run in webkit browsers such as Mobile Chrome or Mobile Safari. These are the built-in browsers for IPhones and many Android phones. The next major version of Manage 2000, currently under development, supports many other mobile device browsers.
To configure mobile users on Manage 2000 7.3 sp3:
Use CNT.SYSTEM.REFS to assign mobile
preferences for a web user role
For example on the SYSUSER role assign
MobileUser as the menu for system users
- Call up record SYSUSER
- Add a Preference Code of 25 Mobile Menu
- Set the value to MobileUser
- Add a Preference Code of 22 Mobile Stylesheet
- Set the value to mobile.css
- Add a Preference Code of 26 Mobile Items Per Page
- Set the value to 5
You may assign preference codes 22,
and 26 in WEB.CONSTANTS Default Web Preference settings instead of on each role
in CNT.SYSTEM.REFS since they are likely to be constant for all roles.
Use CNT.SYSTEM.REFS record CM to
assign preferences for customers accessing Manage 2000 via an externally facing
portal. The MobileCustomer menu can be used as the mobile menu.
assign preferences for sales representatitves accessing Manage 2000 via an
externally facing portal. The MobileSalesRep menu can be used as the mobile
to assign preferences for developers or administrators. The MobileAdmin menu can
be used as the mobile menu.
Mobile devices are automatically detected. If the user has a mobile menu assigned and is accessing the site from a recognized mobile device then the user will be directed to a mobile login and from there to the M2000Mobile navigation app. The FullSite web function may be used to re-enter the site in non-mobile mode. Logging off the website and logging back in will place the mobile user back in mobile mode.
The a fore mentioned menus have been supplied as examples and starting points for configuring mobile access to Manage 2000 7.3 sp3. The mobile navigation options may be
modified in MENU.BUILD by changing the menu items. REPORT.BUILD web function
definitions may be used (See WEB.REPORT.BUILD for information on setting up
FN.BUILD entries to run REPORT.BUILD reports from the web). Web functions built
using the roiHyperQueryControl will also be optimized for mobile automatically, this includes about 65 standard Manage 2000 web functions.
While the desktop portal system is not yet available from this mobile navigation you can recover some of the portal feature by setting the Use Last Key As Default preference to Y. This will default in the last key used as users select different web functions from the mobile menu emulating the key integration you get from portals.
While the desktop portal system is not yet available from this mobile navigation you can recover some of the portal feature by setting the Use Last Key As Default preference to Y. This will default in the last key used as users select different web functions from the mobile menu emulating the key integration you get from portals.
There are about 220 Web functions that have not yet been optimized for mobile use in Manage 2000 7.3 sp3. They may be used, but will likely prove inconvenient for the user. The next major release of Manage 2000, currently under development, has all web functions and portals optimized for mobile.
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