Monday, March 19, 2018

Another Cool Administrator Feature

This one courtesy of the Rocket development staff.

With Manage 2000 release 8.1 service pack 2 the webserver connector moves up to Rocket Web DE 5.3.0 Javascheduler.  This makes the service pack roll-up from service pack 1 a little bit more involved but not only results in a faster connection but a really cool administrator portal.

Going back through the administrator guide I got to wondering about this apiserver thing that I keep running into.  Is it a development API?  Is it a user interface?

Turns out it is both:

Admin API server - The new Admin API web server hosts a Web API and a web-based user interface, which you can use to control configuration and monitoring functions of the Java Scheduler. Enhanced monitoring and logging API improves tracing and supportability, accessible via a an HTTP-based API and UI. Prior to v5.3.0, these administrative functions were performed through an Eclipse-based interface and anchored into the U2 Web Designer. Now, you can easily update configuration, monitoring, and security preferences in Web DE via an open API and new web-based user interface.

Rocket Web DE 5.3.0 includes a fully functional mobile ready REST based user interface to the Javascheduler  console for administrators.  This is much more convenient than the snap-in to the Web DE eclipse environment.  Definitely worth investing in setting up and securing.

Page 15 for Windows, page 20 for UNIX.