Wednesday, November 28, 2018

NetBasic Where No One Has Gone Before, MV.Net on SQL Server?

There have been numerous expeditions over the years connecting and leveraging the Microsoft .Net world with the Multi Value world: BlueFinity, NovoMotion, various ETL products.  But none so bold as the ProsolGrp NetBasic expedition.

Grant Hart and Allan Williams brought NetBasic to the recent NovoRoiSystems User Group Meeting to share what they have been working on.

NetBasic is on another plane from other .Net <-> Multi-Value technologies. It is the .Net SQL Server whale swallowing up the Multi-Value Jonah. And Multi-Value Jonah is living quite comfortably inside the SQLServer beast.

By creating a managed code Multi-Value runtime with serialization kept non-normalized in a single SQL table cell, NetBasic keeps all the benefits of Multi-Value while taking on all the benefits of the SQL Server environment and .NET.

From within the runtime the user is in a Multi Value environment. From outside the runtime the user is in a SQL .Net environment.  Yes, it is a TARDIS.

To be useful from other SQL client technologies normalizing views make the underlying dynamic arrays appear as normalized tables.  This allows the runtime online transaction processing to avoid normalization overhead while keeping the consumers of the data happily fed with flat tables.

NetBasic code gets converted to C# and then to a managed assembly. Multi Value indexing is implemented as SQL indexing. Dynamic array records are stored whole on top of the SQL Table structure as a single cell.

The underlying structure of the dynamic array records can evolve and SQL Server does not care one whit, providing continuous support for changing and growing business applications. The Multi Value OLTP code runs merrily along avoiding all the joining and normalizing overhead.  Only the normalizing views for SQL OLAP clients need regenerating after structural changes in the MV database.

IT can manage, backup, and replicate your Multi-Value database as just another SQL DB instance.
Application development can use the full range of MV and .NET development languages.
Users can continue to productively employ the MV application business rules that guide them in tracking your business. And management can employ SSRS and other SQL based management tools essential to decision making in today's world.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Another Cool Administrator Feature

This one courtesy of the Rocket development staff.

With Manage 2000 release 8.1 service pack 2 the webserver connector moves up to Rocket Web DE 5.3.0 Javascheduler.  This makes the service pack roll-up from service pack 1 a little bit more involved but not only results in a faster connection but a really cool administrator portal.

Going back through the administrator guide I got to wondering about this apiserver thing that I keep running into.  Is it a development API?  Is it a user interface?

Turns out it is both:

Admin API server - The new Admin API web server hosts a Web API and a web-based user interface, which you can use to control configuration and monitoring functions of the Java Scheduler. Enhanced monitoring and logging API improves tracing and supportability, accessible via a an HTTP-based API and UI. Prior to v5.3.0, these administrative functions were performed through an Eclipse-based interface and anchored into the U2 Web Designer. Now, you can easily update configuration, monitoring, and security preferences in Web DE via an open API and new web-based user interface.

Rocket Web DE 5.3.0 includes a fully functional mobile ready REST based user interface to the Javascheduler  console for administrators.  This is much more convenient than the snap-in to the Web DE eclipse environment.  Definitely worth investing in setting up and securing.

Page 15 for Windows, page 20 for UNIX.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Manage 2000 Web Technology - The Big Picture

The Manage 2000 ERP application includes a website for accessing information from web browsers. What is the significance of this? How does it provide value to the people and businesses that run Manage 2000?

  • Communication
    • Inside your organization and outside your organization
    • Desktop, Tablet, and Smart Phone
    • Reusable, brand-able, easy to use, graphic rich, web technology
    • Seamless access to web portals for internal PWS users
    • Customer Portal for communicating with customers and sales reps
    • Vendor Portal for communicating with vendors
    • Attachment, PDF, and Note sharing.
    • RSS Feeds for integrating with Microsoft Outlook , SharePoint and Lotus Notes and other RSS capable applications
    • Web Services for integrating with Microsoft Office Products via VSTO (Visual Studio Tools For Office)
      • Build Manage 2000 aware Excel Spreadsheets
        • search , validate ids, import data, export data
      • Build Word Documents with action panes integrating Manage 2000 functionality
        • Think credit letters with address block and aging built live from Manage 2000
    • JSON REST Services and CORS support for integrating Manage 2000 intelligence into other web based applications.

What is Manage 2000 Web Technology all about?

Communication. The ability to get ERP information in front of people’s eyes in the applications that they use regularly, on the devices they have available, in an affordable manner.