This is a bit of a follow-up to a previous post I wrote about VSTO and Manage 2000 ERPBusinessObjectService. Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) provides a development framework for coding behaviors into classes of Excel spreadsheets. You can deploy them with one-click installs and users can save them as templates for creating smart spreadsheets.
Connecting VSTO code with Manage 2000 can be very easy with the ERPBusinessObjectService. A little bit of code in C# or VB.Net can read and post datasets of Manage 2000 business objects. However you may run into a lot of plumbing work moving values from business object dataset tables to the spreadsheet cells and back. Excel ListObjects can greatly simplify this coding chore. ListObjects define mappings and databind values between columns in the worksheet and row data of columns in the business object data tables:
With this little bit of code you can synchronize the spreadsheet column cell values with a corresponding table in the business object dataset, and use the webservice to read the dataset from or post the dataset back to Manage 2000, turning Excel into a client UI for Manage 2000.