Tuesday, June 25, 2013

RSS Feed Readers for Firefox and Chrome

I've been going through some cross browser testing and came to the issue of newsfeed readers. Historically we have been focused on IE, Outlook 2007+, and SharePoint.  But now that the Manage 2000 web site is supporting other browsers, I started wondering about the news feed reader choices that work well with Firefox and Chrome.

What I found was a plethora of website based news aggegators.  These do not work well for Manage 2000 purposes.  We would like to read rss feeds coming out of Manage 2000 on our intranet without providing access from some Internet hosted rss feed reading site.

These animals do exist.  I poked around with searches like "local RSS reader".

For Firefox users there has been a suitable and popular reader available as an extension for a long time called 'Sage':

For Chrome users I found a couple of extensions that work hand in hand.  'Slick RSS Feed Finder' alerts you to the available feeds on a page and lets you subscribe to them. And 'Slick RSS' lets you actually read and manage your feeds:


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why we need so many Google Reader replacements . Seriously, if it's not my job, I don't have time to read RSS-feeds entirely. It would be better to launch a newsreader that can pick the best stories of the day like http://likehack.com.

Peter Newby said...

Manage 2000 is an ERP system which uses RSS to share news internally within a company.

This is a little different use case from individuals consuming public syndicated news feeds.

These readers exist locally in the browser and therefor the Manage 2000 web resources do not need to be open to the public Internet as they would be to use Google Reader.