Use FN.BUILD to create a web function that runs a specific REPORT.BUILD report from the web
Create a new item with a name that matches the REPORT.BUILD report function name without space or periods and with only the first letter of each word captialized; so an entry to run RCVNG.RPTS.BY.DATE would be called RcvngRptsByDate.
Set the Type to W to specify a web function.
The module should match the module where the REPORT.BUILD report function exists.
Enter a suitable description. Shorter descriptions are nicer on mobile devices.
End out of the first screen.
Enter an extended description.
The additional parameters prompt will bring up a new screen with web function specific prompts.
For Web URL enter the Url to the REPORT.BUILD report interpreter /mt/ReportBuildRpt/ReportBuildRpt.aspx
Add a Web Query Parameter to specifiy the library (module) that the report resides in.
Use ReportLibary for the parameter. Use your module for the value.
Add A Web Query Parameter to specify the REPORT Id that should be used to generate the web page. Use ReportID for the paramter. Use the actual REPORT.BUILD report id (The PWS report name) for the value.
End out of FN.BUILD.
Test your web version of the report by typing in the upper and lower case version of the report name at a Menu or from ECL.
This web function may now be added to a web or PWS menu in MENU.BUILD
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Note: In Release 8.1 this has been automated into the REPORT.BUILD function. Setting the Create Web Also flag to Y will create the corresponding FN.BUILD record for you.