The bad news: "Program Files or Program Files (x86)" and "How about that WOW6432Node Eh!"
Sooooooo, I've been installing and uninstalling and tweaking vbproj files and futsing with Visual Build scripts and messing about with InstallShield 2010 scripts and repeating, ad naseum.
But if you are a developer loading up Manage 2000 7.3 sp2 web tools on 64 bit Windows 7 box and you should run into issues, be thankful, it could be much much worse. The sp2 installs are now much more solid.
The most likely annoyance will be dataset references pointing into "Program Files" that can't be resolved because the dataset libraries are now in "Program Files (x86)". You can, of course, simply delete them and then re-add them from the correct location on your box.
Or you can copy the typed library en-masse from Program Files (x86) to Program Files. You just need to remember to copy over dlls anytime you regenerate them through the dataset utility.
Another option is to use the Path Conversion Utility to do a mass change on all the vbproj files in a Manage 2000 web site. This makes sense if all of your production and development web servers are 64bit.
I have also added a PreBuild.cmd script at the Manage2000.vbproj level that you can add under advanced compile options "..\..\..\PreBuild.cmd" for a more surgical approach. As you build projects it will convert the references from hardcoded to "$(ProgramFiles)" which will load and build in either 64 or 32 bit environment. This will prompt you to reload the project during the build if it finds references that must be changed. Otherwise it will let the build continue normally.