Power BI provides shareable visualizations mashed up from multiple data sources. The data might come from Excel or SQL or ODBC. For instance Manage 2000 data might be synced through Novo Motion Outbound to SQL server. From there Power BI might refresh reports and dashboards.
Users can consume the report through the Power BI interface. But it is also very easy to embed Power BI reports in Manage 2000 news articles for display in the Manage 2000 function NewsReader or other RSS feed readers.
From the Power BI Service browser interface:
Select a report
Select File
Select Embed
Copy the iframe content
Paste it into a STATIC article Summary (HTML) prompt
(Even more recent updates corrected this hiccup.)
Copy the link to the app.powerbi.com website
Paste it into the Drill Back Document prompt
(Clicking on the news article link will send the user to the drill back URL, in this case the report in the Power BI Service. If related detail such as the original Manage 2000 data is available from another URL use that instead.)
(Clicking on the news article link will send the user to the drill back URL, in this case the report in the Power BI Service. If related detail such as the original Manage 2000 data is available from another URL use that instead.)
Attach the article to a news feed and view from the Newsreader function:
Selecting a row in the airport table refocuses the map to display that specific information. The interactive features of the report remain active when viewed in a Manage 2000 newsfeed.