Just in case you missed the official announcement:
"We are pleased to announce that Release 8.1 Service Pack 5 was released today, March 23th, 2022 and is now available for upgrades."
The surprise in the official announcement is the limited support for LINUX. We still have the vsi-fax caveat, faxing out of Manage 2000 on LINUX is NOT there yet. But if you want to run Manage 2000 8.1 sp5 on rhe LINUX 8 and do not need faxing then we are ready to support you in that.
Bud and I continue digging through the options trying to find the best path to get faxing support on LINUX, without ESKER directly supporting vfx... on rhe LINUX 8. You'll probably hear us shout when we finally find the right path.
Customer enthusiasm for moving forward on Manage 2000 has been gratifying to see with four 8.1 sp5 upgrade orders already in the first week of GA.
So what will we imagine for service pack 6?
My journey this last year has included the opportunity to explore what other software teams are doing with REST API development. While 8.1 sp5 includes a nice REST API platform, it is mostly 'toolsey' stuff that you can use to build your own, but does not provide the full manufacturing application provider API that I am seeing other software teams working on. So one of my research and development projects is imagining how we can take the REST API platform and build out an API to specific sales and manufacturing processes.
The current leg of my continuing journey has me exploring POSTMAN and using it to test and document existing REST services:
A little quicker and easier than running JSONServices, viewing source, and reverse engineering :-)